Hosptial Visits

I have always had an aversion to hospitals and I suppose, or at least hope, that most people would understand why.

There are a small sliver of experiences you can have when you are on the receiving end of a hospital visit and most of them involve public nudity and plastic tubing.


And the best part is that after you get scanned, attached to large beeping equipment (you know, so you don’t run away) stripped of your street clothes and given a standard blue smock, you get jello and overcooked mashed potatoes on a just sanitized plastic tray.

Ef, the similarities between the hospital and jail are frightening.

So, when I got the call that my mother was admitted I was all but excited.
Before we go any further, my mom is fine. Without going into too much detail she was having some sort of lower body pain and they are trying to figure out where it is coming from.

Either way, my dislike for hospitals was met with the honest reality that good people become better versions of themselves when they are faced with tragedy.

There are two sides to this story… while I would never wish a hospital visit onto anyone it is refreshing to see an honest desire in someone to love and protect someone they love.

~ by kmconrad on July 14, 2009.

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